Navigating the Menopause

Many women have questions about the menopause. This normal and natural phenomenon affects all women by the time they reach their mid-50s, and is nothing to be alarmed about. However, while for some women the menopause passes by almost unnoticed, for others it may bring symptoms which are noticeable enough to disrupt normal life – and for a few it can seem to make life quite miserable.  It is important that women feel fully informed about what it happening to them during the menopause, including which options exist to manage any symptoms that they wish to control. It is also important that women feel fully supported, and sensitively listened to by a doctor who views them holistically, and respects their decisions regarding treatment. Read on for Dr Stephanie Hughes' guide to navigating the menopause.  

Depression #3 - What causes depression, and what is happening in the brain?

In our 3rd blog post on depression, Dr Stephanie Hughes tells us about what might trigger depression, and what factors make some people more prone to the condition that others. We also discuss specific forms of depression, including post natal depression, seasonal affective disorder, and 'Facebook depression'. Lastly, we take a look to see what is going on at a chemical level in the brain of a depressed person. 

Depression #2 - What does it feel like to be depressed? How do I know if I am?

“That’s the thing about depression: A human being can survive almost anything, as long as she sees the end in sight. But depression is so insidious, and it compounds daily, that it’s impossible to ever see the end.”  In part 2 of our 4 part blog on depression by Dr Stephanie Hughes, we talk about what it feels like to be depressed, and how a doctor would go about diagnosing the condition. 

Depression #1 : So much more than feeling down in the dumps

We all feel low from time to time, and this is completely normal and natural – an appropriate response to life’s ups and downs. But what if your mood is so low that you are unable to enjoy yourself or take pleasure in anything; so low that you are unable to work or carry out your usual activities; so low that, in the worst case scenario, you contemplate suicide? This is the first of a series of 4 blog posts on depression, a much misunderstood illness by Dr Stephanie Hughes.

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Welcome to Winchester GP's blog. We aim to inform and entertain with topical thoughts and observations on all things health related! Please remember, all posts and information on this page are for general guidance only, and are in no way a substitute for specific personalised medical advice. Posts of outside links do not constitute an endorsement. 

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